


Our Corporate Tag Line : Sharing Expertise - Meaning sharing knowledge, inputting and taking up ideas, improving on our own findings and insights and offering them in order to accomplish the objectives of the B. Braun Group.

The B. Braun Group : modernity, innovation, and a customer-based orientation are the guiding principles of this worldwide supplier to the health care industry-values put daily into practice by more than 27,000 employees around the globe.

With this philosophy, the company offers a wide range of medical products - for anesthesia, intensive care, cardiology, or surgery, for example. The product range includes syringes, cannulas and catheters, infusion solutions and systems, as well as infusion pumps, suture materials, surgical instruments, and dialysis technology. Moreover, the company markets products and concepts for doctors' offices and for the home care sector. The caried product portfolio is supplemented finally by a wide range of customer-tailored services.

All this began more than 160 years ago. The family business started as a pharmacy and developed into a global hospital and medical supply company with subsidiaries in over 50 countries and sales of over 2.4 billion Euro per year.

亿邦器械网 http://www.yibangqixie.com/



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